Saturday, September 28, 2013

#2. Dictionary Exercise: Secret taxi driver

1. incognito (adv.): in a way that prevents other people from finding out who you are
    e.g. Movie stars often prefer to travel incognito.

2. astonished (adj.): very surprised
    e.g. The helicopter landed before our astonished eyes.

3. cabbie (n.): a person who drives a taxi
    e.g. The cabbie drives to finance his dreams to attend a university.

4. rusty (adj.): not as good as it used to be, beacuse you have not been practicing
    e.g. My tennis is very rusty these days.

5. moonlight (v.): to work at a second job in addition to your regular job
    e.g. She is a secretary who moonlights as a waitress on weekends.

Monday, September 23, 2013

#1. Greetings!

My name is Wendy Chang.  I'm stydying in National Taipei College of Business and my major is in Business Administration.  In my spare time, I like to listening to Engligh songs and watching English movies.  Though I have learned English since I was in elementary school, my English is still really poor.  Beacause of the environment,I don't have many opportunities to practice speaking English.  I hope to improve my English with this course.